Saturday, January 26, 2008

Are You Struggling To Make Money Online? Heres Help

Do you wish there was an easier way to make money online? Of course we all do. But while there are dozens of ways to make money online, still 95% of those starting up internet businesses fail.

One of the easiest ways to make money online is selling digital products. Digital products could be an ebook, an MP3, video or software. Selling these products is fast, easy and commands big profit margins. No inventories to watch, delivery trucks are non-existent and most of all it works 24 hrs a day 7 days a week. Really an entrepreneurs dream come true.

What are the exact steps involved to make money online with selling digital products? The following steps have been proven to be effective:

1. Choose the right product.

The first thing that you need to do is get a product that you can sell. Be certain that you choose the right product to sell. In choosing a product, you can either create your own or sell other peoples product. However, you must ensure that the product you will sell is in demand and that it is something that many people want or need.

You may check to see and get a feel of what products are in high demand. If youve been in the internet for three to four months and have been subscribing for those newsletters from sites you visited, then you may now have an idea of what topics attract large crowds. Subjects on golf, search engine traffic, weight loss, marketing, adsense, dog training, personal improvement and make money online have proven well overtime. There are some niche subjects which also have been drawing huge following.

Remember, the number of people looking for that particular topic, product or subject is extremely important. You cant make money online if only a handful is interested with that product you are trying to sell. The number of competitors also plays an important role. As much as possible, choose an area with lesser competition. If youre just starting out, it is hard to compete with guys who are the McDonalds of the industry. If youre a bit sophisticated, there are tools available to figure this out. You can try the keyword tools and look for topics that have been searched by volumes and volumes. These tools also provide you with the number of competing websites. There is, that you can start with.

If you dont want to create your own product, you can easily find hundreds of products with master resale rights. What are master resale rights (MRR)? If you own a product with MRR, you have the right to sell it to others and keep all the profit for yourself! With master resale rights, the person who buys from you can also get the resale rights to the product.

There are also products with private label rights. Private label rights give you freedom to alter the product or change the content and put your name on it as the author or originator. You may try and look at the warriors special offer (WSO) for great deals on resale rights.

2. Build your website.

Now dont scratch you head yet. You will not be building a full blown website but a very simple three page site. The pages are: Sales letter Page, Thank You Page and the Download Page. Trial and completely free web building softwares are available for download. Theres the 123WYSIWYG and NVU which are both easy to use. If youre not that tech driven then you can hire some college kids in your neighborhood who might be good at building websites. Or you can try and to find somebody to do this. Just focus on your goal to make money online.

To accept payment, just use Paypal. Its easy to get. Using the standard Paypal button is okay. Paypal will ask you for the redirect page, in this case, use your Thank You Page. Don't put the download link there. Put an opt-in in box instead. Say that you will send the download link in the email. The opt-in box is extremely important if you want to build a business. You will have the chance to capture customer information here. You can make money online over and over again once you have a large list of customers.

In the email that goes out after a person subscribes to your opt-in, you will tell them where to download the product. Your download page should contain a link to your product with a few directions on how to download and how to use it. If you are selling an ebook in PDF format, tell them that Adobe Reader is required and point them where they can download it.

3. Generate traffic.

Once you have chosen your product and created your website, you must attract visitors. You cannot make money online if your site doesnt have visitors. You can get traffic to your website in many different ways. However, you want to be certain that you bring in the right kind of traffic. What is the right kind of traffic? Targeted! You want visitors to come to your site because they want to, not because they are forced to. You want visitors that are interested in your product.

One of the ways to attract traffic is search engine marketing (SEM). SEM is a set of marketing methods to increase the visibility of a website in search engine results pages. Yahoo and Google are the top two sites where most of the web searches come from. Experts estimate that Google account for 45% of the searches while Yahoo gets 30%. In order to make money online, your website must be listed in the top 30 results of the search engines. Do you think anyone would bother to look on page 97 of the results? or page 110?

Your sites ranking on the search engines will depend on how optimized it is with the keywords you choose and the number of competition it has. The lesser the competition for the specific keyword, the higher the chance of your site to get to the top of the search engines and the chance to make money online is significantly increased.

Another way to get visitors to your site, and this is the quickest one, is by pay per click advertising (PPC). You can try the Google adwords program, Miva and Goclick. Be very careful, however, as PPC advertising may burn your pockets and your plan to make money online would be affected. Make sure to set your daily budget when doing PPC.

These three simple steps to make money online when followed would get you the results you want. There are dozens of ways to make money online. What separates the successful online entrepreneur from a failure is focus and consistency of efforts. Most of the people starting to make money online get sidetracked with every new program that comes to them. If you want to make money online, choose one specific way, and then follow that way until you succeed. Dont jump from program to program. Author is giving ebooks at

Alan Ocab specializes in teaching real people how to start profitable Internet businesses. To get instant access to some of his most profitable marketing campaigns, strategies, tools, and resources, visit his work at home website at Blog34308
Sharna Blog60805

Finding The Right Math Tutor For Your Teen

Your teen is struggling in math class and you have decided that a tutor might help. How do you go about finding a good one? You want someone who relates well to your student, is knowledgeable, and is able to communicate effectively.

One possibility, and perhaps the most economical, would be a peer tutor. Someone in the same class who is doing well or someone who did well in the course a year or two earlier might be interested in doing one-on-one tutoring. If you choose to go this route, you might ask the teacher for names of capable students.

The high school counselors office is another good place to investigate possibilities. Many times they keep a list of available tutors in different subject areas. And if they dont have a list, many times they will lend assistance in trying to locate a suitable tutor.

A certified teacher or retired teacher can be an excellent choice for private tutoring. Many schools have rules that prohibit a classroom teacher from tutoring his/her own students for compensation, but another teacher in the school or a teacher in another district might be available. Many teachers welcome tutoring jobs as a means of supplementing their income. However, you should expect to pay more for a certified or more experienced person.

If your community has a local college, consider hiring a college student as a tutor. When I was teaching I often referred parents to the chairman of the math department of our nearby college. He always had a list of students that were interested in tutoring high school math students.

Talk to other parents of high school students. Word of mouth can be a wonderful source of information when seeking out the right tutor. That parent sitting next to you at the soccer game might just have found a gem of a tutor who is looking for more students.

You might also consider running an ad in your local newspaper to find a tutor. Of course you want to be sure to carefully screen applicants and ask for references.

Lastly, your teen might be a good candidate for on-line tutoring services. There are a multitude of those services available today and they are growing in popularity.

A word of caution about choosing a tutor for your teenteenagers are such individuals. What works for one student might not work for another at all. Some relate better to a peer tutor, while another might be more comfortable with a college student. Be sure that your teenager is an integral part of the process of finding just the right math tutor. This will help insure that you (and your student) reap maximum benefits from the tutoring experience.

Linda Hinkle is an educator, having taught high school mathematics for 29 years. She wishes to help empower parents of high school students struggling with mathematics. Find more information about high school topics and sign up for her free newsletter at Blog50818
Sianna Blog16321

I Think My Child Is Using Drugs

What is a parent to think? I see behavior changes in my child. They used to be social, outgoing and communicated with the family. Now my child is secretive, isolated & uncommunicative. Is it possible that my worst nightmare has come true? My child is using drugs?

In todays world, pressure to use drugs is quite significant. When we were children, back in the 60s, 70sand 80s; the drugs of choice were marijuana, cocaine and heroin. Todays world is much different. The children of today are exposed to numerous other rave drugs. They include ecstasy, (methylenedioxymethamphetamine), Khat, Ketamine (ketamine hydrochloride), GHB (gamma hydroxybutyrate) and Rohypnol (flunitrazepam) this is the date rape drug.

Is my child going through normal adolescence, where they begin to separate from their parents, or using drugs? There are very important signs that you will see when your child is using drugs. Some of the most important signs are:

Less attention paid to grooming. My child used to take care of themselves, brush their hair, brush their teeth, now they seem indifferent.

Loss of appetite or an increased appetite, loss of weight or increased weight, without current medical issues. My child has lost/gained 5-20lbs over the last few months and I dont know what is going on. My PCP reports all blood-work and physical examination appeared fine.

Red and glassy eyes and frequent use of eye drops. My child is using Visine on a regular basis. I smell breath mints when they walk in the door. Is it possible that they are drinking/smoking pot?

Decreased attendance and performance at school. I have received phone calls from the school stating my child is tardy/late to some/all classes.

Loss of interest in school, sports, or other activities. My child used to be involved in baseball, basketball etc. Now it seems they just want to sit and watch TV all day.

Newly developed secrecy; deceptive or sneaky behavior. My child locks his bedroom door, appears uneasy when I am within earshot of their phone calls. My child is telling me that they are at the mall with their friends, but I find out that they were at a friends house instead.

Withdrawal from family and friends. My child used to be very athletic, had at least 5 10 good friends. Now I am seeing other friends that I do not know. My child is no longer hanging out with their old friends and my child is reluctant to introduce me to their new friends.

Lying and stealing. I have caught my child stealing and lying from me on several occasions during the past year.

Disrespectful behavior. My child was always brought up to respect other people, but is now very disrespectful to others.

Changes in mood. My childs mood is very liable. One minute they are happy, the next minute they are sad and the next minute they are angry. I feel like Im walking on eggshells every time I speak with my child.

Goals for the future. My child used to have dreams and goals for the future. They used to talk about going to college or a trade school or entering a specific market field. Now they are consumed with nothing.

These are all prominent signs that your child may be using drugs. There are various ways to deal with this problem. The most important is to begin counseling, specifically with a drug and alcohol counselor whom is up to date with the current drugs of abuse and is able to test for drugs of abuse, via urine screens. If you determine via urine screens that your child continues to use drugs, then you may be best served by enrolling your child into an Intensive Outpatient Program, specifically for drug use. If your child has continued drug use, even with the Intensive Outpatient Program, then a residential drug and alcohol treatment program is suggested.

Your childs future is at stake. I have seen some children do extremely well with counseling and others that ended up in the prison system or worse (accidental overdose). The most successful cases however, had very prominent parental involvement in their childs treatment, even though the child did not want treatment or parental involvement.

Wendy McLellan is a licensed mental health and substance abuse counselor, with more than sixteen years of experience. She has recently devoted time to the efforts of in their goal to provide parental internet safety tools and resources to the public.Sibley Blog59350
Shirah Blog50128

Long Island Schools Improve in the 2005-2006 School Year

Long Island Schools Meet State and Federal Standards

Long Island Schools had over 30 schools not meet the New York State Standards for the 2004-2005 school but this year the number of schools rose dramatically. Schools that succeeded this year that had not last year include East Hampton, Ronkonkoma, Mineola, and Valley Stream. The Long Island Schools ratings were based on New Yorks expectations of a schools test scores and graduation rates. These standards were met in part because of many Long Island Schools have greatly improved their education methods and instructional opportunities for those students with learning disabilities. Several Long Island Schools did not attain the required state scores from their special education students last year. During the 2005-2006 school year more teachers and paraprofessionals were hired throughout all Long Island Schools which allowed students with disabilities to be in inclusion programs and have smaller class size. A lot of these changes have been inspired by the No Child Left Behind Act that required Long Island Schools to raise the mathematics and language arts scores of all students with emphasis placed on specific student groups including whites, blacks, Hispanics, the poor and the disabled. The students in these groups should achieve higher percentages of success every year with the goal being 100% proficiency by 2014. Currently around 83% of all New York schools meet the academic requirements of the No Child Left Behind Act.

Among the Long Island Schools that did not meet standards last year that did succeed this school year include: Comsewogue High School, Center Moriches High School, Ronkonkoma Junior High School (Connetquot), Walter G. O'Connell Copiague High School, East Hampton High School, Eastport-South Manor High School, Harborfields High School, Hauppauge High School, G.W. Hewlett High School (Hewlett- Woodmere), Hicksville High School, Huntington High School, Island Trees High School, RJO Intermediate School (Kings Park), Lindenhurst Middle School, Long Beach Middle School, Newfield High School (Middle Country), Mineola Middle School, Oceanside High School, Saxton Middle School (Patchogue-Medford), South Side Middle School (Rockville Centre), Joseph A. Edgar, Intermediate (Rocky Point), Roslyn High School, Sachem High School North, Pierson High School, Floral Park High School (Sewanhaka), New Hyde Park High School (Sewanhaka), Sewanhaka High School, Walt Whitman High School (South Huntington), Southold High School, Ward Melville High School (Three Village), Valley Stream Central High School, and Westbury High School.

Seniors in Long Island Schools Win New York Lottery Leaders of Tomorrow Scholarship

New York Lottery Leaders of Tomorrow Scholarship awards a $4,000 scholarship to one senior at every New York high school paid in $1,000 increments each year for university study. This year Long Island high schools in Suffolk School District and Nassau School District had one senior from each high school receive a New York Lottery Leaders of Tomorrow Scholarship. To be eligible for the New York Lottery Leaders of Tomorrow Scholarship students must meet the following requirements:

Scholarships can only be used toward the cost of attendance at a New York State accredited college, university, community college or trade school

Stacy Andell is a staff writer for Schools K-12, Which provides free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Stacy has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues.Steffie Blog57487
Stormy Blog63188

Why Ask The Professor?

I would like to touch on a subject most students probably never consider, namely, the great importance of asking questions to your professor. Ask! Never let this three letter word disappear from your life, always be sure to ask when in doubt. This will most likely prove to become one of your greatest assets on your long academic journey.

Always inquire your professor about things that might be unclear to you, but only and I repeat, only if this is important and vital for your particular course and only if it's very relevant to the subject. Remember that university/college professors are humans too, I know it's hard to comprehend, and they too hate it when hundreds of irrelevant questions are posed.

If you really want to know the importance of a good question, just ask your self how many times you have received certain important pieces of information through a question. Most likely, this must have occurred hundreds of times, hence my advice to you is:

Do not be afraid to pose a question when you are sure it's both important and relevant to the subject. Also, don't make your question sound sophisticated just to be rendered as sophisticated by the attendees, your asking because you want an answer not due to personal ego. Finally, I would like to end with some words I heard from a dean at Harvard a while ago:

A Question ends with a Question mark

It sounds so simple yet so many people tend to neglect this. I have to say, people are severely annoyed by those who make long winded comments under the disguise of a question. This is often seen on debates or at other types of public speakings, if you have a question, make sure it ends with a question mark! I hope you understood that, didn't you?

Adam Abderisak, a.k.a. "Study Coach" is an education instructor and entrepreneur. His latest work is a study guide entitled "Study Guide Pro". Be sure to visit his website to check out some of the most "lethal" study techniques known to man: Blog6947
Silvana Blog63554

Continuing Your Education When You're Self Employed

How does the self-employed stay on "the cutting edge"? How do you keep yourself trained on the latest and greatest? Not only does the self-employed individual need to train themselves on their industry, regardless of whether it's real estate, construction, or architecture, they also need to stay knowledgeable about business models and trends as well.

But where can you go to get continuing education? I'm not talking about getting a degree here. Us self-employed folks don't have time for that. However, not having the luxury of a corporate office to reimburse you can be expensive, and may make continuing education prohibitive for many people. When I worked in corporate America I was paid to attend classes, not to mention the training I received from the company itself.

The costs of training myself are doubled because I am self-employed. I first have to pay for the training, and second I can't work when I'm being trained so I lose money there too.

Licensing requirements call for continued training in certain industries, like real estate. So many annual hours of continuing education are mandatory to retain licensing. Me, I just want to provide the best I can for my customers. And in order to give customers the best of me, I need to know what is going on in my industry. And that involves constant training. What are some options that don't require a large amount of my time and money, but allow me to continue my education?

Industry Accreditation.

Many industries have their own accreditation programs. These are usually industry specific and specialized to a particular association...everything ranging from marketing to landscape contracting. Depending on the accreditation, it may be that only others in your industry recognize the accomplishment of achieving the accreditation, but if continuing your education is at the forefront of your mind, this may be the best place to start. The cost will vary from industry to industry, but is generally less time and money than a degree from a university.

Association meetings.

Less formal than accreditation, industry associations have monthly meetings and seminars, oftentimes with speakers from around the country that can train you in their areas of expertise. Attending these meetings is also a great opportunity for you to network and co-mingle with others in your field. Attending national conferences, even if they are out of town, can be worth the lost income if the speakers are relevant to your field. Many industry associations also publish monthly newsletters or magazines that provide you with in-depth articles on topics related to your field.

Attend Chamber of Commerce meetings/seminars.

Chamber of Commerce meetings allow you to keep up on business related topics, ones that aren't necessarily related to your specific field but are needed to run your business. Usually you can attend seminars during your lunch hour or at a breakfast meeting before work, so the loss of income is negligible. I find attending Chamber of Commerce meetings a great way to learn a little bit about a new topic, without having to outlay a large amount of my time or money. If interested, you can talk to the speaker about their topic in greater detail later.

Vendor training.

Another great way to keep you up to date on what's new in the industry. The data provided by the vendor may be skewed to suit their individual needs, but you can still see what is out there, keep on top of trends, and perhaps see what is coming in the future. All of which allows you to better serve your customers, and keep yourself educated on your industry.

Participate in e-mail discussion lists.

One of the most difficult things about working alone is that there is no one sitting next to you to ask a question, or get feedback on an idea. Having an e-mail discussion list you can turn to for help is invaluable. Most are free, or have a nominal charge to join. However, one big disadvantage is that you have to listen to everybody else banter on about topics that may not interest you. But in my opinion the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages when you are in a jam and have no one to turn to for help. Plus, you may learn a thing or two by listening to everyone else's problems.

Reading general business books.

In addition to books in your field, knowing where you can go to ask questions and get answers and keeping yourself ahead of your competitors is a key to being successful when you are self-employed. Always be on the lookout for an opportunity to learn something about your industry without forking out a lot of dough! You never know where you may find it.

Copyright 2006 Kelly Robbins

Kelly Robbins: Author of Healthcare Copywriting Secrets Revealed and The Healthcare Copywriters Toolkit, Kelly Robbins is a healthcare copywriter and marketing coach/consultant. She also publishes The Healthcare Marketing Connection (, a free e-zine on healthcare marketing tips. Contact Kelly to receive her free report, "5 critical things you must know when writing for the healthcare industry" or 303-460-0285.Serena Blog87548
Shauna Blog96390

Can You Get A Bachelor Degree Online At A University?

There are lots of reasons why you might want to get your education without actually setting foot on campus. And now, there are many ways you can do this. If you want to get your bachelor degree online at a university, it takes lots of discipline and determination, but it is convenient and you can do it without moving or having to quit your job.

What Should You Look For In A Program?

There are lots of options for studying on the internet. Most major colleges offer web courses and degrees. There are also institutions and companies that offer degrees on the internet only. It depends on what suits you. You also must keep in mind what employers in your field are looking for. But, how can you tell if this is the real deal or not? Here are some tips that can help you when you are trying to decide what's right for you.

No matter what kind of program you are interested in, you have to make sure it's accredited. This means that it is recognized as being a 'real' educational institution by an official organization. There are six such organizations given the authority by the US Department of Education to offer accreditation. It basically means that the institution meets certain standards of educational quality. If you go to a school that is not accredited, the degree you get may be worthless to employers, so it is important to make sure.

What Degree Program Should I Pick?

One good way to decide what major is best for you is to look at the course catalog and check out the required classes for the major. Do they sound interesting? Is that what you want to study? This will help you determine if that's what you want to do or not.

Another way to decide if a certain program is for your or not, is to look at the faculty. What kind of experience do they have? And what qualifications? Usually, the more PhD's you see, the better. Also, find out where they went to school. Where are their degrees from? A real school has faculty from all over the place, who have graduated from many different schools. If they all graduated from this school, that should tell you right there that this is a scam. Look for real qualifications!

Where the students go after they graduate is also an indication of the quality of the education. Look to see what professional organizations are connected to the school. This will help you when you get out in the real world. Contact someone from the school and talk to them about your educational and professional plans, and see what they have to say. A live person can answer your questions about a particular degree program better than a website or schedule of classes can. After you have consulted someone, see if the program suits your long-term goals or not. Try to find the one that suits you the best. Look at where the school's graduates go and ask yourself, is that where I want to be? It is important to keep looking ahead and thinking about how the education you get now will benefit you for the rest of your life.

Here's another thing to keep in mind: if the school accepts everyone who applies, that might be a bad sign. Real schools have entrance requirements that must be met by prospective students.

How Is Studying On The Internet Different?

It may seem obvious, but before getting into a degree program using the internet, make sure that you have a fast, reliable internet connection. Make sure that your computer can handle all the heavy use it's going to get. If you get into the program and start having computer trouble, that will cause big problems. You will spend a lot of time on the web. Most assignments will be there on the internet and you will have to download and upload them. Instead of classroom discussions, you will be communicating through a thread in a forum. In most classes you will be required to log in a certain number of times each week and make contributions to these forums.

Find out from each prospective school what type of support for students is available. Make sure that you are able to communicate with your professors. You will be doing most of the work yourself, but teachers must be accessible. And, can you communicate with the other students in the class? This kind of interaction is an important part of your education, so you have to keep the lines of communication open. Taking a course on the web means that you will have to spend lots of time with a good, reliable computer.

How Much Should I Expect To Pay?

One of the advantages of taking a class like this is that you don't have to pick up and move somewhere. That saves you lots of money on your education. However, if you take a course through a recognized school, you will still be paying tuition and fees. No matter how you do it, education is not cheap. But, doing it that way, you will cut down on your relocation and living expenses, which will help. Even for these kinds of classes, financial aid may be available.

Actually, classes taken over the web often have slightly higher tuition than traditional classes taken on campus. So, you might actually end up paying more. Still, the benefits may outweigh the costs for you. These programs are ideally suited for adult workers. They are designed for working adults, so there is a lot of flexibility. It might be the right choice for you.

Nic Haffner is a writer and internet publisher who likes to write about elearning and educational issues in general. You can read more at his e-learning news and in depth information website http://www.1-elearning.comSonnnie Blog3893
Sileas Blog61791

Hidden Advantages To An Online It Degree

Some people mistakenly assume that a traditional IT program with on-campus classes is somehow more marketable or accepted in the working world. Nothing could be further from the truth. Online educational programs have come a long way in the last ten years and today some of the top schools in the country offer distance education programs through the Internet. In fact, getting an online IT degree can give you some hidden advantages when you actually get out to search for a job.

One hidden advantage of an online IT degree is that it is very job-focused. Many traditional in-classroom degrees are simply not that transferable to the working world. Degrees may take a long time and may focus on theoretical, abstract ideas rather than skills that are readily transferable to an actual job. An online IT educational program, on the other hand, is specifically designed to give you the skills and knowledge you will need in a career. Many faculty members in these degree programs have real-life experience in the field rather than just academic credentials. They really understand the exact skills you need to succeed in the field and are happy to pass these skills onto students. When you complete your program of studies, you will have a number of highly desirable skills that translate seamlessly into a job. With your education, there will be no need to explain how your degree is significant for a job.

Another hidden advantage is that an online IT degree saves you time. There is no superfluous time wasted on abstract theories and less-than-useful subjects. You will not be taking subjects outside of your field simply because they are compulsory. Also, when you enroll in an online IT degree program, you will not have to learn the same things over and over again. Not only might you be able to get credit for courses you have already taken at the college level, but your course of study will also be carefully structured so that you will not be duplicating material. This is one reason why your program may take months rather than many years. At the same time, there will be no social programs and distractions so that you will be able to focus just on getting the degree that will land you an excellent job. It is important to keep in mind that there is no need to feel isolated. Many educational programs hosted online offer plenty of interaction with faculty and other students, so that you can enjoy all the benefits of being part of a learning community.

Students who have already gotten their online IT degree often speak very enthusiastically of their educational experience. That's because this sort of education has many advantages. If you are shy, for example, being able to learn in a virtual classroom is often much less stressful. Many students find that virtual classrooms are also much more student-friendly. The adults who learn in these environments are often very motivated to study and current technology means that learning is interesting and easily accessible. It is also important to note that online learning can be very discreet. No one has to know that you are studying for a new career unless you choose to make that information public knowledge. If you are not ready to tell your boss or your friends about your career decision, they simply do not have to know.

An online IT degree provides the maximum level of flexibility and quality; two traits that most adult learners demand. If you want to enter the IT field, there is no better way to study than to learn at your own pace in the comfort of your own home.

Andy West is a freelance writer for Virginia College. Virginia College Online offers an accredited Online IT Degree program. Please visit Virginia College Online at to select the program that is right for you.Sibbie Blog25866
Sonnnie Blog3893

School Weblogs - Why Blogging Benefits Schools - Part 1 of 2

Weblogs or blogs as they are known are here to stay. They will evolve as time goes on but communicating online via blogs whether through text, video or podcast audio, is something that is going to be a part of the internet for some time. Schools today can benefit greatly by providing their students with a school-sponsored weblog as a means to communicate with their teachers and other students in their school. In the same way that many blogs have virtual communities formed around them, schools can create and foster a community environment that provides a beneficial learning environment for kids today rather than just a place they have to go everyday.

School Policies & Contact Information

In the news today we see many schools enacting policies and practices to help them run better and provide a positive learning environment for all children. One area for example has to do with what is or is not acceptable in regards to the clothing allowed at the school. Schools that use a weblog would be able to have all their policies listed in one easily accessible location for parents to review. Regarding a school dress code policy, the school would be able to post actual images of the type of clothing that is not allowed on campus so parents would be able to have a clear idea of what clothing is acceptable when they go to school. Other policies such as grade requirements for playing sports or participating in school sponsored clubs as well as the school disciplinary policies for things such as fighting, bullying, being late or failing to complete homework assignments can also be posted on the school weblog. Contact information can also be provided for parents with questions or concerns regarding a policy.

School Events and Sports

Schools utilizing a blog can use it as a way to boost school spirit and participation by placing video clips of sporting events such as basketball, football or soccer games, track and field events. Other events such as science fairs, dance recitals, awards and more all can be promoted on the weblog as well. Through promoting the school clubs and teams this way other students can find out what is going on in the school as well. Promoting the school activities like this is also a great way to attract perspective students and their parents who have recently moved or are going to move into the area.

Additional Class Instruction

School weblogs can be a great place and informational resource where students can go for additional help with their school assignments. Many times teachers do not have enough time to devote to each student to answer each and every question. Through a blog setup by the school, teachers can post amplifying information on topics that they cover in class, further explanations, and more examples - things that they do not have time to cover in class. Students can then look over this additional information to help them when they are working on their homework. Every person learns differently, and by explaining information in different forms, either with diagrams, words, or other means the idea can be conveyed so that the student can grasp it.

The school blog can also provide links to other valuable educational resources that can be used. Teachers that find a good informative video to watch, website to read or podcast to listen to that covers a topic can place a link on the blog page and students can then access the information to assist them in their assignments.

Utilizing a chat room feature, schools using weblogs would provide a way for students and teachers to discuss problems that come up when working on homework assignments. Some students have anxiety over asking questions in class, so by providing a way that they can ask teachers questions outside of the class can help them overcome problems they may be having. An online chat feature would also be a way that students can form study groups to work on assignments.

While the use of weblogs in school can provide students with a valuable educational resource they can also provide them with other information to help them with the day to day problems they may face. Read Part 2 for more on how weblogs can provide valuable resources for students, teachers and parents as well as some of the privacy and security concerns that will arise.

John Collins is a contributing writer for Computer Internet Resources. Visit for more information on blogging, its uses and applications as well as reviews of blogging software and services.Shayna Blog18825
Shani Blog97373

Dress For Success

You have always imagined how this meeting would be. From the moment you exited your college doors to the moment you applied for this amazing opportunity at the company of your dreams, you have been fantasizing how your conversational skills would lead you closer to a job proposal that will excite you. But, have you ever considered that apart from building your professional experience and advancing your academic background, the condition of your wardrobe can be a crucial factor for your prospective employer to base his/her decision on? All around the globe, HR professionals agree that candidates who select to wear clean and matching clothes actually increase their chances of being offered the position they are after.

It is common in today's professional environment for people to wear their "business" outfit during office hours and their casual clothes during leisure time. Whether you have realized it or not, you are probably a member of this fast-pace attire couture, as you open your closet in the morning to wear one of your business suits leaving your jeans hanging for the more "relaxed" atmosphere of the weekend or a barbeque party. But even if your office dress code does not explicitly direct you to wear formal business garments, when you are about to be interviewed for a new job it is important you will select to wear your professional-looking clothes.

As a matter of fact, my personal experience has led me to conclude that the outfit I will select to wear before having to give a small speech about my abilities and skills can direct the attention of my future employer to what I am saying instead to how I look. Contemporary business culture demands from the person that wishes to enter a business environment, of any kind, to look sharp and professional. Thus, it is crucial for candidates to choose carefully their apparel so as to reflect the generally accepted working dress-code, apart from their personal taste. Regardless if the position is that of a senior or a junior executive, HR agencies inform the individuals they manage to pay attention to their appearance as much as they should practice what they are going to elaborate on when explaining their professional experience and skills. There is not one recruiter out there that would overlook the way interested professionals look when they are invited for the first round of interviews. As the old saying goes, "An image says 1,000 words."

But, while one should be conscious of the impact a carefully chosen wardrobe has to the overall image he or she is about to give, going over the business dress-code line is not advisable by anyone. For instance, women that wear heavy makeup or men that select to wear an extremely expensive suit might give to the interviewer the wrong impression regarding their professional status and overall character. In fact, one might loose a perfectly good opportunity to get the position he or she is about to be interviewed due to a poor or over-the-top appearance. Dressing casually or over-dressing will never lead you to the desired result. Thus, before meeting with your potential employer, it is imperative to consult with friends, who have working experience in the business field you wish to enter, so as to learn as much as possible in relation to the working outfit recruiters and business executives consider as acceptable. Consequently, it is important for you to plan ahead and invest in purchasing the "right" type of clothes. Being proactive today will give you tomorrow the opportunity to buy that piece of clothing that your future boss would characterize as "extreme," but your partner or friends would adore.

Kadence Buchanan writes articles for - In addition, Kadence also writes articles for and Blog16493
Sisely Blog97924

Tips from Robert Ludlum on writing a compelling thriller

Based on a two-hour interview with the late Robert Ludlum, author of some of the world's best selling novels of international intrigue.

Q. How did your career in writing begin?

Ludlum: When I got out of college in 1952, I wanted to be an actor. I worked pretty consistently in plays and doing voice-over TV commercials until about 1958. Then somebody said to me, did you ever think of becoming a producer?

So I learned that field and produced original theater on Broadway for ten years. But I got bored with the pressures and labor problems. I had worked with a lot of playwrights, and I thought I can write. So I wrote a humorous book about the funny things that happens when actors meet the general public - people who may not know anything about actors. I sold it to a publisher who told me, "Actually this is just what we want." I named it "Broadway goes Suburbia." Then the publisher said to me, "Of course, we have to make it much more serious. No humor. We'll call it "Blueprint for Culture." I ran out of the room laughing.

That Broadway book was my first attempt at writing. I thought I wanted a writing career. But I had responsibilities my children, my wife. You can't chuck everything aside to become a writer. But I kept thinking about it and got to the point where I really wanted to try it. My wife Marian, bless her heart, said, "You're forty years old. If you don't try it now, you're going to regret as long as we live." And so we got together and blocked out eighteen months to see if I could succeed..

Q. And you're too good a writer to use that old clich, "And the rest was history." "The Osterman Weekend." "The Bourne Identity." "The Parsifal Mosaic." And many other best sellers and movies later. How would you describe your writing techniques?

Ludlum: I love to observe people. I have always been interested in people who have decided to leave one lifestyle for another. On St. Thomas I met a man named John who used to be a very successful ad man in New York. He threw it all away to follow a new dream running a charter boat in the Caribbean. He went to a patrol school run by the Coast Guard in St. Thomas. He supported himself by becoming a disk jockey on a local radio station for a $100 a week. Now he has his own charter boat business and is considered one of the more effective people on the island. A complete life change. Later I used that fact in "The Bourne Identify." When one of my characters wanted to get away, he joined the boat people in the Caribbean.

Q. What other writing techniques work for you?

Ludlum:. My wife and I love to travel all over the world. And whenever possible, we take our kids and their wives with us. On a trip to Greece, they helped me gather restaurant menus, theater programs, ticket stubs, tour brochures. And I take a lot of really bad pictures. But I put all this in a big scrapbook. The scrapbook brings memories back to life and help make my writing more credible.

Q, What the biggest mistake you think many beginning writers make?

Ludlum: I get annoyed when a self-indulgent writer just shows off what he knows but doesn't really tell a story. To me storytelling is first a craft. Then if you're lucky, it becomes an art form. But first, it's got to be a craft.. You've got to have a beginning, middle and end. And I have sort of applied the theatrical principles to writing. Throw the story in the air and see what's going to happen.

This article is adapted from the chapter On writing well in the new book Reinvent Yourself by Hal Gieseking, available at Blog10385
Silvana Blog78597

Las Vegas Schools Prosper this Summer

A Celebration of Progress Marks the Opening of New Las Vegas School Buildings

This past August, leaders from the Las Vegas Schools gathered at the Cashman Theatre for A Celebration of Progress. This was a celebration to mark the opening of nine new schools and one replacement school in the Las Vegas School System. In attendance were officials from Las Vegas Schools, Nevada State officials, community leaders, school principals, and architects. Las Vegas Schools A Celebration of Progress was hosted by entertainer Clint Holmes.

The event was sponsored by The Council of Educational Facility Planners International; this is the eighth year that the Council of Educational Facility Planners International has sponsored this event. The Council of Educational Facility Planners International is an organization of education and construction professionals that aims to improve the places in which students learn. Various models and renderings of the new facilities were displayed and the students from these new schools created exhibits promoting school spirit. This years keynote speakers were Las Vegas Schools Superintendent Dr. Walt Rulffes and Mrs. Ruth Johnson, President of the Clark County School District Board of School Trustees. The Hal Smith Elementary School choir performed, as well as the CP Squires After School All-Stars folkloric dance team.

The new school buildings were constructed to meet Las Vegas Schools expanding enrollment that will have around 12,000 new students enroll for the 2006-2007 school year. This influx of new students raises the total number of students in the Las Vegas Schools to over 300,000. The new schools include six elementary schools, two middle schools and one high school. The replacement school building is also a high school.

At the August 9th A Celebration of Progress event Paul Gerner, Associate Superintendent for Facilities, thanked the architectural and construction partners who made the new schools possible. The Las Vegas Schools system is expected to continue is substantial growth for many years to come.

Las Vegas School Students Take Part in Youth Leadership Summit

This summer several Las Vegas Schools students went to the Youth Leadership Summit in Washington, D.C. The Youth Leadership Summit was created through a partnership between The National Council for Community and Education Partnerships and Booz Allen Hamilton. The Youth Leadership Summit is designed to give students an opportunity to participate in educational reform. Students invited to the Youth Leadership Summit were participants in the Las Vegas Schools GEAR UP program, which is a national program, intended to increase the number of students who go to and succeed in university and college. Along with participation in the GEAR UP program, students were selected based on their academic performance, leadership roles they take in their schools and recommendations from their principals and teachers. All of the participants from Las Vegas Schools will be seniors in the 2006-2007 school year.

The Youth Leadership Summit included different activities in the areas of teamwork and leadership that encouraged the students to share their own perspectives on how educators should improve student achievement. The suggestions that resulted from the Youth Leadership Summit included: creating information centers that would aid students and families in finding information for postsecondary education and creating peer and adult tutoring and mentoring programs that support middle and high school students.

Stacy Andell is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Stacy has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues. For more information on Las Vegas schools visit Blog15845
Suki Blog16423

Use Children's Books to Encourage Kids to Read

As most parents know, reading skills are critical for preschool learning and childhood development. Studies have shown that children that are diagnosed with reading problems during their early school years, will continue having reading and learning problems through the 9th grade and beyond. Even more troubling, almost 50 percent of adolescents and young people with criminal records have reading difficulties.

Sadly, many of today's kids would rather watch TV or play video games than read a book. Being a bookworm, or even showing an interest in reading, is percieved as a nerdish activity. Most of the heros in todays society are professional athletes, actors, or music icons.

But dont despair, all is not lost. Getting your kids to read can be a challange, but with the use of quality children's books, it doesn't have to be an insermountable one. Here are some steps you can take in order to encourage reading in children:

The first step to read to your child at an early age. Many adults have fond memories of their parents reading them bedtime stories when they were toddlers, and reading to your child will help foster a love of words and reading.

Be a good reading "role model" for your children or grandchildren. Let them see you reading on a regular basis, and how much you enjoy reading books and magazines.

Another good idea is to fill your child's room with books. Kids who grow up surrounded by books learn to think of them as friends, and allies in their pursuit of reading, learning, and wonderful new adventures.

As your child grows and matures, introduce him or her to books that match their interests and hobbies. Show them how an informative book can deepen and expand their knowledge on a particular topic--and expand their horizons as well.

Make sure your child or grandchild has a library card. Libraries are wonderful resources for reading and learning. Show your children how libraries can be places of wonder and excitement, and can open up new worlds of learning that will last a lifetime.

And lastly, consider setting limits on the amount of time your child spends in front of a TV or video game console. While there's nothing wrong with playing video games or watching TV, those activities arent going to do much to develop your childs reading and language skills. For that, you need to set them down in front of a good childrens book, and make sure they spend at least 30 minutes per day reading it.

They might not like it now, but chances are they'll thank you for it later on in life.

Kent Johnson Reading Expert and Career Coach Shauna Blog96390
Sophie Blog27547

Orlando Schools Aim to Improve Language Program

Orlando Schools Administrators Visit China

Several Orlando School administrators will be among the nearly four hundred curriculum developers and administrators from around the nation to visit China in an effort to create and expand educational programs that teach Chinese language and culture in America. The trip to China will last one week from June 27 through July 5. The trip is in cooperation with Hanban, Chinas Office of Chinese Language Council International, in partnership with the College Board, the Chinese Language Association of Secondary-Elementary Schools (CLASS), and the National Council of State Supervisors for Languages (NCSSFL). The visit will focus on the incentives and strategies that educators can take back to their own schools and use to support the growth of Chinese programs. Currently there are only about 24,000 students in the US studying Chinese compared with close to 150 million Chinese students studying English. During the trip, educators will have an opportunity to meet with Chinese education leaders, build sister school and city ties, and network with other U.S. school leaders who are bringing Chinese language programs to their districts and schools. Orlando Schools want to ensure they are prepared for the new opportunities to offer more language education at younger grades.

In surveys conducted in the Orlando Schools concerning Advanced Placement courses several high schools expressed an interest in offering an AP Chinese course for the 2006-2007 school year. The problem was that many of these schools do not have a teacher of Chinese nor do they see a way to fund such a program. But that may be changing thanks to new programs that unite the governments and educators of China and the US. In April 2006, the College Board and Hanban announced the formation of a partnership to build and expand Chinese language programs in U.S. schools. The partnership features other programs especially intended to help educators who would like to create or grow a Chinese language and culture program in their schools or districts. Because of this program plans have been made to allow 250 guest teachers from China to work in schools in the United States. Also some American teachers will begin training at Beijing Normal University and Shanghai International Studies University. The first sessions begin this summer with sixty teachers from across the nation attending special intensive courses to gain state certification to teach Chinese classes for the new school year.

Orlando Schools Recruit teachers from Puerto Rico

Orlando Schools have hired over sixty new teachers from Puerto Rico during a two-day hiring fair held in Puerto Rico. The aim was to hire veteran certified teachers with special skills in teaching Gifted programs and Limited English Proficiency students. Mathematics and Science teachers were also recruited due to the shortage of math and science teachers in some Orlando schools. Orlando Schools will be hiring 2,400 new teachers for the 2006-2007 school and be opening nine new schools. Many teachers from Puerto Rico are attracted to the Orlando Schools because of the constancy that working in a strong educational environment can provide, the lifestyle that living in the Orlando area offers and the closeness of Orlando to Puerto Rico.

Stacy Andell is a staff writer for Schools K-12, Which provides free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Stacy has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues.Shirlee Blog86332
Sinead Blog71984

Washignton D.C.: Educational Field Trip Ideas

Our nations capital city, Washington D.C. is one of the greatest classrooms in the world. Students can take a senior class trip, high school trip, band trip, or musical tour to Washington D.C. for three to four days or more. Student travel tours will have time to visit some of the major destinations in Washington D.C. over this time period, and take in the cultural and dining opportunities available, too.

There are so many sites to see in the Washington D.C. area. A brief itinerary of some of the more popular student tour destinations in Washington D.C., along with the national capitals educational components, are discussed here.

In the heart of Washington D.C.: The Washington Monument

The construction of the Washington Monument started in 1848, was interrupted by the Civil War, and it was completed and dedicated in 1885. Student tour groups can learn about the history of the placement of the monument, the materials that went into its construction (including cornerstone and capstone) and the fundraising and architectural efforts that created one of the nations most treasured monuments. Interwoven with a student tour that includes a visit to the monument is George Washingtons legacy along with details on his lasting impact on American history, politics, and the formation of democracy. Make arrangements to visit the Washington Monument on student field trips to Washington D.C.

Educational field trips to the U.S. Capitol in Washington D.C.

The US Capitol building is always a popular choice on school field trips to Washington D.C. Students tour groups will learn about the historical and cultural significance of the U.S. Capitol Building. Educational tours to the U.S. Capitol Building will also have an opportunity to tour the building that acts as the focal point of the U.S. democratic system. A field trip to the U.S. Capitol provides students keen insight into the true execution of balance of power between executive, legislative and judicial branches of government. Educational student tours observe Senate and the U.S House of Representatives chambers in the U.S. Capitol. A visit to the Presidents Room is also a great stop on a school field trip because it is a place where historical bills have been signed. During a student tour of the U.S. Capitol Building visitors will also learn about the prized historical moments that have defined American democracy.

White House VIP Tour: Save Time on Field Trips to Washington D.C.

Even with security concerns, it is still possible to visit the White House and receive a tour. Student groups with special reservations skip waiting in line to take the White House VIP tour. This tour is one the highlights of an educational field trip to Washington D.C. The White House VIP tour is usually given by a special agent or another qualified educational tour guide. Students will visit the Diplomatic Reception Room, Map Room, State Dining Room, Library, the Northeast Gate of the White House and more. Student tours of the White House are also available from 7:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday.

Educational field trips are a great way to expand a students understanding about the function of democracy. The history of our representative government is contained in a school field trip to Washington D.C. and needs to be explained by a qualified, student friendly tour guide for maximum benefits for any student group. These field trip ideas are an excellent way to begin planning a field trip to Washington D.C. Visit for other ideas on student tours of Washington D.C. and other favorite student destinations such as Orlando, Florida and New York City.

Howard Clemens founded Educational Travel Consultants in 1984. Over the last 24 years, Mr. Clemens has organized student travel tours for thousands of high schools, middle schools, and elementary schools. His company also specializes in performance tours to Washington D.C., New York City, and Orlando, Florida. Email him at or visit Sileas Blog16286
Siouxie Blog53973

Do Kids Have Too Much Homework

In the late 90s, feature stories began appearing in the national media about children and parents who were so overwhelmed by the amount of homework that it was destroying their family life and causing psychological damage. The evidence presented in these stories was often anecdotal, profiling just one or two families. However, the articles were published in enough respected publications that they sparked a national debate on whether children have too much homework. Schools scrambled to create homework policies, parents held protests, and children began to receive sharply mixed messages on the value of homework.

In all the fuss, people never realized that the information contained the articles simply wasn't true. In 2003, the Brown Center on Educational Policy at the prestigious Brookings Institution released a report that shattered the perception that American students are staggering under an unreasonable load of homework. In fact, they found just the opposite: American students probably don't spend enough time on homework. Gathering data from a number of studies that had been performed in the late 90s, the Brown Center drew four startling conclusions.

Typical students, from kindergarten to high school, don't spend more than an hour a day doing homework. In fact, pointing to a study done by the Higher Education Research Institute at UCLA, the Brown report found that more than two-thirds of college freshmen did five hours or less of homework during their final year of high school.

The report also analyzed studies and concluded that the homework load for the average student has not increased appreciably since the 1980s. This is in direct opposition to the anecdotal evidence cited in the article of homework increasing to as much as three hours per night.

However, a study performed in 1997 by Michigan State University showed that children at that time were spending just over two hours per week on study, which could include activities other than homework. Interestingly, this study is often used to prove that students have too much homework, since the weekly hours spent on study increased over the life of the study by 23 minutes. The Brown Center postulates that this statistical increase was actually caused by children who previously had no homework at all and because they had advanced in grade, now had homework.

Finally, the Brown report found that, contrary to the articles' portrayal of militant parents protesting homework, most parents are satisfied with the amount of homework their children receive. In fact, if parents were dissatisfied with the amount of homework their children had, it was because they felt it wasn't enough.

Jonathon Hardcastle writes articles for - In addition, Jonathon also writes articles for and Blog25559
Sherline Blog17900

Parenting Your Teenager - Peer Pressure For Teenagers During Their High-School Years

Your teenager faces several areas of peer pressure during his or her high school years.

What makes it even harder for your teenager is that most parents do not understand the depths to which these pressures go.

Cigarettes and Alcohol

Cigarettes and alcohol more than likely will be among the first areas which your teenager will have to face peer pressure. With movies and television flashing images of underage smoking and drinking, most teenagers are shown only the more enjoyable and funny sides of these habits.

High school years are very competitive, and where your teenager stands on the popular scale with the rest of his or her peers is very important. To be considered a "looser" is one of the biggest fears of today's teenager.

To avoid this label they sometimes will portray an image of being tough, rebellious and uncontrolled by their parents. For today's teenagers, smoking and drinking are the easiest ways to declare their independence.


A more dangerous and potentially life-threatening pressure teens face is drugs. The first and most commonly available is marijuana. This is a cheap and readily-available drug in today's society, and most teenagers do not consider it harmful. In their eyes it does not cause serious addictions like heroin or methamphetamines. The marijuana use depicted in movies and television does not show teenagers that marijuana is illegal and that being caught under the influence or in possession of such an item can ruin their future. Additionally, smoking marijuana may lead to more serious drugs such as heroin, crack or methamphetamines.


Every year the age at which teenagers begin having sex gets younger and younger. In order to be popular or liked by boys, a girl must be willing to have sex. Otherwise, they are considered "up-tight" and are paid no attention. Boys who are not willing to have casual sex with a girl are considered weak. Oral sex has become very popular among today's teenager due to teens' belief believe that it isn't serious since there is no risk of pregnancy.

What Parents Can Do

Telling your teenager not to give into these peer pressures will have little or no effect. Your teenager equates his popularity among his friends with his self worth. The more insecure your teenager is, the more likely he will give into these pressures to be accepted and popular.

Threats and punishment by parents put additional pressure on teenagers. Now they face the pressure from their peers on one side and the threats from their parents on the other side. Trying to avoid or ease some of the pressure, teenagers may avoid contact with their parents or lie to them.

Instead, you should recognize that fitting in and not being called a looser is a very serious and important to your teen. Convey to your teen that you understand the pressures she is facing. Offer to open discuss situations and incidents - without the threat of punishment or judgment. This will encourage your teenager to talk and lead them to trust you for advice about specific issues they are facing. By openly discussing the pressures they are facing with you, you will have a chance to voice your concerns and your opinion. Your teenager will be far more receptive to your suggestions if situations are discussed peacefully.

Be open with your teenager about all forms of sexual intercourse. Explain that there are other reasons not to become sexually involved too early. Besides worrying about pregnancy and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS, remind your teenager that they also need to consider their pride and self respect.

Christina Botto has been involved with helping parents and teenagers resolve complicated issues for more than 14 years, observing and developing parenting strategies. Her dedication to helping parents inspired her to write her book, 'Help Me With My Teenager! A Step-by-step Guide for Parents that Works.' Christina continues to help parents and their teens through her website http://www.helpwithteenagers.comSonni Blog5393
Shirl Blog33973

New York Schools Cited as Among the Best in the Nation

According to the National Education Association, the New York schools have made significant strides in academic achievement over the past few years. In a nationwide comparison, the New York schools have improved student achievement, as well as the schools themselves. Though issues remain that challenge the New York educators, parents and the community can be assured that the New York schools are doing everything in their power to remedy these.

Students Are Achieving

Essential scoring on the National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP) exam has risen for the New York schools.

Fourth grader reading scores have risen by 26 percent between 1992 and 2003 for those students scoring in the highest two levels.

Writing scores have increased in the New York schools, making them among the nations best. Fourth graders now rank third in the nation on the NAEP, while eighth graders increased scoring by 43 percent between 1998 and 2002 in the highest two levels of the exam.

Math scores also have improved. Fourth grader scores nearly doubled between 1992 and 2003 at the two highest levels of the exam. Eight grader scores more than doubled at the highest two levels between 1990 and 2003.

The public New York schools have outperformed the private ones on Advanced Placement exams, courses through which high school students may earn college credit. Students attending public schools score higher in calculus, computer science, and physics.

College Entrance Exam scores have improved. More New York schools students are getting high scores on the SAT exam. Graduating seniors also have increased their scores on the math portion of the SAT by 28 percent since 1994, with a high score being 600 or above. Additionally, the New York schools are one of the top ten states, with high school graduates scoring in the top 20 percent nationally on the ACT and SAT exams.

More New York schools students are college bound! The New York schools are among the top eight states in the percentage of 18-24 year olds enrolling in college. This is good news for parents, the communities, and the businesses in New York.

New York Named One of Smartest States

New York has been named one of ten smartest states in the nation for its quality public elementary and secondary schools. Education Week gives the New York schools a grade of A (97 out of 100) for the high standards and accountability of the public schools.

Advanced Placement coursework is offered by 85 percent of the public schools, while only 60 percent of private schools offer them in the New York schools.

The New York schools students take more advanced coursework. The New York schools are among the top eight states in percentage of high school students taking upper level math courses and among the top ten states for advanced science coursework taken.

The New York schools are leading the nation in cutting edge Foreign Language Immersion Programs (FLIP). They are among the top ten states nationally in the percentage of public elementary schools offering FLIP coursework.

Quality teachers also push the New York schools in front of other states, with their middle and high school teachers among the most qualified in the nation.. The number of teachers in the New York schools that are nationally certified by the prestigious National Board of Testing Standards has nearly tripled since 2000. Math teachers with majors in their field for the seventh through twelfth grades place the New York schools among the top eight states, with similarly-qualified science teachers for the same grades placing the New York schools among the top seven states.

Lastly, the New York schools provide at least one computer for instruction for every 4.2 public school students.

The New York schools have come a long way over the past decade. The educators and administrators have much of which to be proud.

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, Which provides free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Patricia has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues.Shaylyn Blog78269
Shawn Blog52058

Orange County Schools Special Education Alliance

The Orange County Schools Special Education Alliance was created by the 28 districts in Orange County in 2003. The primary goal of the Orange County Schools Special Education Alliance is to meet the need for a countywide system that can focus on special education. This includes offering staff development and training to school employees, creating leadership in advocating for legislative and administrative change, overseeing the decisions and rulings rendered by administrative agencies, offering a way to fund the litigation and appeals of administrative and judicial decisions and rulings especially when the outcome has a countywide significance or precedent setting in its implications for all students.

The Orange County Schools Special Education Alliance was created with the intention of addressing all the concerns of all students regardless of if the student has any manner disability. Any student that is not receiving the full services they need changed because of lack of funding to support mandates created under the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. The main problem that Orange County Schools faces with meeting this federal mandate is drawing funds from the regular education program. Funds are often taken from the regular education program to support the needs of special education students. Orange County Schools Special Education Alliance aims to provide the services all students need to be successful in meeting academic standards.

Orange County Schools Special Education Alliance plans to accomplish this goal by providing staff development to its practitioners, use the legislative process to seek adequate funding to provide these high quality services, and when necessary, support litigation to achieve these goals. Orange County Schools Special Education Alliance also encourages staff members, parents, advocates and organizations to get involved by using their voices and contact the local officials and hold them accountable for promises and mandates for which regular education and special needs children are entitled.

Orange County Schools Special Education Alliance is lead by an Executive Committee that is composed of Superintendents from different school districts across Orange County. The actual carrying out of the goals is the responsibility of the Review Committee. The Review Committee is comprised of five Superintendents regionally nominated, Orange County Schools legal counsel, two private attorneys representing school districts in special education matters, two SELPA directors, and one business administrator. The Review Committee has been working hard for the past two years in order to try and meet the goals of the Orange County Schools Special Education Alliance. Even though the focus of the Orange County Schools Special Education Alliance is in the areas of legal and funding, it tries hard to work closely with teachers and staff members so that its members are informed about the needs of the schools at root levels.

Since the Orange County Schools Special Education Alliance was created it has accomplish a great deal to meet the needs of the school districts across Orange County.

Stacy Andell is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. For more information on Orange County schools visit Blog45671
Sher Blog56988

Los Angeles Schools Run Nations Second Largest District

In terms of numbers, Los Angeles Schools make up the second largest public school district in the country. Only New York City Schools top them. The issues of running any urban system are complex, but in massive districts the numbers make efforts even more difficult.

Los Angeles Schools Struggle with Graduation Rates

Simply getting students to graduate is a challenge for the Los Angeles Schools. A 2006 USA Today study reported that Los Angeles Schools were among several large urban districts with less than 50% of its students gradating from high school on time. That report put the number of graduates in Los Angeles Schools at 44.2%. This is well under the California state graduation rate of 71%.

Another report released from Princeton University in 2005 estimated the lost income of these dropouts at over $36 billion. These numbers are not surprising to educators in the Los Angeles Schools. Numerous studies over the years have confirmed what Los Angeles Schools teachers know. High School drop-outs are far more likely to become teen parents, commit crimes, and use government funded social and medical services. Graduates have higher incomes, raise better-educated children, and experience other social benefits.

Los Angeles Schools Receive Funds

As the result of a 2005 lawsuit filed by State Schools Chief Jack OConnell and the California Teachers Association, some of the poorest rated Los Angeles Schools were awarded extra funding in May of 2007. The lawsuit was filed in 2006 against California Governor Schwarzenegger and the California Department of Finance. It alleged that they had failed to appropriately fund Proposition 98 during the 2004 to 2006 school years.

OConnell is using the lawsuits awards to provide $2.7 billion to some of California and Los Angeles Schools highest risk schools. The funds are part of a program called the Quality Education Investment Act. The funds will provide chosen Los Angeles Schools with additional per pupil funds of $500 for k-3rd grade, $900 for 4th through 8th, and $1,000 for 9th through 12th . Los Angeles Schools intend to use the money for hiring more teachers, addressing class size concerns, professional development, and hiring in-school counselors.

Los Angeles Schools are in need in many areas. The national achievement gap is huge here because of a large population of English Language Learners, and a low socio-economic population. One concern of the Princeton study mentioned above is that it pointed out huge discrepancies in graduation rates between white and non-white students. African-American students and Hispanic students have the lowest graduation rates; and Los Angeles Schools are largely made up of these student minorities. Over 100 Los Angeles Schools will receive the additional funds over the next seven years.

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. For more information please visit Blog25866
Sidonnie Blog67468

The Future of Cars, Unleashed is singing a new tune for future car trends. Recently, it has reported the upcoming trends of cars that will hit the market in the coming years. 15 new innovations are predicted to wow car enthusiasts in the next 10 years.

According to Patrick Olsen, managing editor of, "You can find some of these innovations on the market today, and the technology exists to incorporate many of these innovations in the near future. Cost and consumer demand will help determine whether these innovations become standard, become options for select luxury vehicles--or never make it out of development."

Car innovations include advanced flexible fuel systems that could allow all types of fuel interchangeably. From gas, hydrogen, diesel, E85 to electric and battery power, name it and the fuel system can handle them. There is also the anticipated invasion of active tires. These tires are made from synthetic compound that can be transformed any time to manage various road conditions with just one push of the button. Another expected innovation is the autopilot where the driver does not literally drive because his car is guided by the navigation system.

Aside from the aforementioned, lane charger warning that monitors traffic, camless engines that demands airflow according to the cars workload, and self-repairing paint that prevents scratches are also expected to amaze the automotive market in the coming 3 to 5 years. Also included in this time frame are the launching of navigation systems with real-time traffic information, electric window tinting and self-parking cars.

Within 2 years expected car innovations include keyless entry and ignition, collision mitigation system which prepares a car for an accident, automotive black box, adaptive break lights, economy mode cars, and computer center cars that can manage calls, emails, music and music.

The automotive industry never fails to amuse car fanatics with its amazing innovations. In the coming years, expect more exciting and fabulous innovations from Toyota accessories, Volkswagen accessories, Volvo accessories and the rest of the renowned car manufacturers. Also expect that auto parts go with these changes.

Shane Morgay is a 34-year-old native of Ohio. She love cars and knows detailed information about them. She has a collection of miniature car collectibles and would love to have these collectibles become real ones. She works for a car part supplier most days of the week.Steffi Blog46090
Shaine Blog92665

All You Ever Wanted To Learn About The Military Academy Preparatory School

The United States Military Preparatory School (USMAPS) is just what the name implies - it's a preparation school for candidates that want to go to a united-states military school.

It's also called the WestPoint Prep sometimes, as most of the graduates of this prep school will attend the West Point army academy after they graduate. A few will attend other military schools in the US.

The USMAPS was established in 1946, and it's current location is on the Fort Monmouth Army base, in Eatontown, New Jersey. The official mission of the establishment is: "to provide academic, military and physical instruction in a moral-ethical military environment to prepare and motivate candidates for success at the United States Military Academy"

The students of the USMAPS are defined as "Cadet Candidates" (CC's), and enjoy free tuition and board. The program lasts for 10 months and it's aim is to prepare the students to the rigorous academic and military demands they will meet when the finish the Prep stage, and attend West Point academy.

The Program:

The Cadet candidates start the 1 moth program in early July, when they arrive at the facility. They start with a four week intensive basic training that puts them into shape. This part of the program is called CCBT - Cadet Candidate Basic Training. Immediately after the CCBT, The classes start and they end in mid-May. The curriculum includes English, mathematics, physics, military history and military training. Most of the CC's will go to West Point academy, but some will attend other establishments.

West Point Applications:

There is no separate application for USMAPS, only the West Point application. The 10 month training program at USMAPS is offered to candidates to West Point who lack the grades or skills necessary for West Point. During the Prep school year, the CC's must file a new application to West Point. It should be noted that almost all of the CC's who finish the prep school are granted to attend West Point.

Athletics Activity:

The USMAPS also have an extensive athletic program including football, women's volleyball, cross-country, track, men and women's basketball, soccer, lacrosse, swimming, and wrestling. The USMAPS primarily competes against the other prep school's teams, especially their rival the Naval Academy Preparatory School.

Location Change:

The USMAPS has gone through a few location changes since it's establishment.

It was founded in June 1946 at Stewart Army Air Field, Newburgh, New York - just a few miles away from West Point.

In 1957, it moved to Fort Belvoir, Virginia.

And finally, moved to Fort Monmouth in 1975

Shutting Down:

Due to the Base Realignment and Closure, 2005, Fort Monmouth is currently in the process of being shut down. USMAPS will continue, however, to operate at the Fort Monmouth campus for several more years.

Jane Ling is the owner and operator of a military school website Visit and learn more about military academy, military prep schools and more.Sheelah Blog20442
Sibley Blog59350

A Review of the 1994 Jeep Grand Cherokee

Not long ago I bought a used 1994 Jeep Grand Cherokee quite cheap. I was hoping that it will be nice and cool, but it was a real disaster. Still there are some good things in it, first of all it is big and the body is in perfect shape, and also the seating feels comfortable, however as a whole my 1994 Grand Cherokee jeep is awful. Now I am sure that I would have been better off with a sensible Honda Civic or anything of the kind, instead of buying the Jeep that I now consider as the worst ever purchase I've made.

The thing I want to begin with is the monstrous gas consumption of this SUV. I knew it will not be as for a Ford Fiesta, but getting only 13 miles per gallon is a bit too much for me, and it only makes me think about a shot engine. What comes next it the unsafe rolling of this totally unbalanced clumsy Jeep, along with its impossible shocks. With this 1994 Jeep Grand Cherokee you are actually putting your life to the risk of turning over with every turn you make at a speed greater than 20 miles per hour. What I can say for sure is that I should not have rushed into that without having a detailed check on SUVs, which would have showed me what the possible and most common problems might be. And the only reason I skipped that part for was the thrilling price they gave me for the car

There are good things to be considered also in the 1994 Jeep Grand Cherokee. It is very spacious at the back and offers plenty of room, a plus that makes it a great road trip vehicle. Thinking about storage room no one can deny that it is awesome too, and this once again confirms the statement that this is a road trip machine. What is more, I have a killer sound system in the SUV. It was actually decked out by the previous owner who just left it in the car. This sound system not only delivers great bass, but also keeps unbelievably crisp hi-fi sound in the treble scale. Even having that, though, is not at all enough to compensate for the faults it has, and hen I think about t eventually all the money I saved by getting it cheap will soon be wasted for repairs of the shocks, engine, etc. or even only for gas to get it going

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning cars. Learn more at Blog87548
Sharline Blog99265

Degree in Education Online

Are you a college student? Its true, heading off to a four year University can be a blast and a wonderful break from that high school drama. Finally, you can get that privacy from your over-bearing folks, and enjoy your very own apartment or dorm. Its all about parties and staying out late, right? Okay, well maybe not so much. I mean you did come to college for an actual education. Didnt you? Regardless of its highlights, college life can nevertheless be a great deal of work. Once youve delved into your first semester, youll certainly know what I mean. In this day and age, the concept of higher education has been taken to a whole new level. Not everyone wants the campus and party life of a young college student. Not everyone wants to search for parking places daily in order to attend classes. This is why people can now acquire a degree in education online. Yes indeed, I did say via the Internet. You have a PC or Mac, dont you?

Have you ever come across the topic degree in education online? Its actually still a fairly new one. Although many people dont know and fully understand it yet, they can achieve a valid degree in education online; completely from the comfort of your own home. Wouldnt that be choice? Lets say you are a parent that works. Now, you may or may not have the time to attend a University the old fashioned way. This is where a degree in education online comes into play. You find the college you wish to attend, and read about the degree requirements. Then its time to inquire about their degree in education online abilities. They may have that exact degree youre looking for, but with online courses. This allows you to continue casually with your daily regime. You can get online at will and deal with your course work. So many Universities across the nation are expanding on this innovative topic. Wow, is the world becoming convenient!

If you are striving to get a college education, but dont have the time to live the college lifestyle, then maybe its time to explore the concept of degree in education online. Once youve acquired your books and consulted with the professor, youll simply deal with the course from the comfort of your living room. Dont let life stop you from getting that education youve always wanted.

David Jones is a contributing writer at, the BEST site for finding information on degree in education online.Shannen Blog37150
Sorcha Blog57935

This Summer is Full of Honors and Functions in the San Antonio School District

San Antonio School Districts Harris Middle School selected national Middle School of the Year

Harris Middle School is being recognized for its students efforts to improve their communitys quality of life. This summer Harris Middle School has received the National Youth Crime Watch of America Casey Award presented during the international conference in Ogden, Utah. This award is given to those individuals or organizations that offer examples of leadership, allocation of resources, and support in student or youth crime prevention programs and plans. Harris Middle School, part of the San Antonio Schools, was the only middle school in the US to receive this honor. Harris Middle School was chosen for its students tremendous efforts in improvement of its campus and community. This was accomplished by programs that focused on conflict resolution, theft prevention, street clean-ups, and smoking and drug awareness programs. This has resulted in the Harris Middle School being one of the safest, friendliest, and positive school environments in the state. Students are active participants in the Peer Assistance Leadership group and the Peer Mediators, these groups teach understanding and conflict resolution strategies. Harris Middle School was also a past recipient of the San Antonio Bar Foundations Peacemaker Award, which chooses safe schools throughout the San Antonio School District.

Brackenridge High School Recognized in National Award

Brackenridge High School received honorable mention as one of nine finalists nationwide for the College Boards Inspiration Award, which recognizes the countrys most improved high schools. A College Board representative facilitated a panel discussion with school administrators, staff, students, and parents. The representative was especially interested in hearing from students. Approximately 20 students were part of the discussion. The representative visited classrooms following the panel forum. The information that was collected at Brackenridge was taken to judges in New York, where they reviewed all nine finalists. The Award recognizes high schools that maintain AP or International Baccalaureate programs despite the difficulties at the school.

Special Functions in the San Antonio Schools this Summer

GEAR UP (Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs) will hold a Summer Academy CSI from 8 a.m. to noon at eight high schools in the San Antonio School District. This program will focus on the application and value of science in forensic investigation. Students will be able to participate in solving mock crimes. The students will uses skills they learn in the program. Using their powers of observation, analytical skills and advanced scientific technology to uncover the most minuscule evidence, students will attempt to solve the crimes. Based on the popular CSI television programs, this adventure for 6th-graders combines science, math and language arts, resulting in a learning experience as fun as it is enlightening. Summer Academy CSI is part of, designed to help the class of 2012 be prepared for success in college and beyond.

The Christopher Columbus and the Americas program will be offered at two San Antonio School District middle schools from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Students will discover all aspects of what the New World was like at the time the famed explorer first landed on its shores, including its culture, history, geography, and myths. By integrating social studies and language arts, the course also examines the impact of the resulting Colombian Exchange through which Native Americans and Europeans introduced to each other a variety of different animals, concepts, crops, foods, and materials.

Stacy Andell is a staff writer for Schools K-12, Which provides free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Stacy has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues.Shelia Blog93188
Sofie Blog34308

The Grump Factor

You are sitting at your desk, reading your email and open the latest missive from your boss. Once again the bonehead has come up with a new direction for your company. You clear your throat and ask the person next to you Have you seen what the idiot has sent us now?. In the cafeteria you sit with your co-workers grossing about how stupid this company is. But this doesnt just happen today. Everyday you find yourself at odds with the management. And while you have always been a good soldier and done exactly what was asked of you, you cant help but let your feelings be known.

Or perhaps you are the more silent type. Sighing, rolling your eyes, and simply showing through your body language that you are greatly put upon.

You might think that if you are really good at your job, and you do everything that has been asked of you that you will remain, in the eyes of your employer, a valuable member of the team.

However, in these times of cutbacks, more and more employers are considering the grump factor. Simply put, the grump factor is a measure of how difficult it is to deal with an employee. How grumpy you are.

Recently a Fortune 500 company had to make a 20% cut in their workforce. The management chose the people that were going to be laid off. Every single employee was a hard worker, in fact some off them were the best at what they did. Each employee tried to figure out why THEY were chosen? What was the reason that the more incompetent employees were left standing while they were let go? Was it that they earned more money? Was it a personal vendetta against them? Was it sexism or ageism? Each employee failed to look at where the blame lay. Which was at their own feet. In a discussion with the management they stated that they used the grump factor. Employees that had a bad attitude were considered expendable.

Obviously when it comes time to downsize many factors are considered. But more and more employers want to work with people who are easy to deal with.(use mr rogers here) Employees who love what they do, and show others that they love it. I am not talking about a saccharin sweet phony attitude, I mean a sincere joy.

When Barbara Walters is asked by young people What do I have to do to get ahead?

She tells them Dont complain, dont whine. Just make yourself so good that they cannot let you go. And dont be afraid to get the coffee if they ask you to get the coffee.

Not sure if youre being perceived as a grump, take this simple test.

Do you find yourself very easily identifying problems with your company and/or co workers?

Do you share that information with others? (including family, friends , co-workers)

Do you discount possible solutions as unworkable?

Is your criticism a validation of your over all perspective?

Do you often hear others with similar complaints?

Do you lend a willing ear to their complaints?

Do you sigh, roll your eyes or otherwise display your negative feelings using body language or tone of voice?

Are your creating less because of your displeasure?

Are you late to work or meetings?

Do you resent helping others finish their work?

Are you waiting for a change to happen?

Has anyone pointed out your negative behavior?

Do you have good reasons to be unhappy at work?

This is a family. You spend more time here than you do at home. Low maintenance easy

1. I like to have people who are low maintenance easy to get along with each other

2. All residents have gone through med school

3. all have high test scores

4. all have good letters from their hospitals

How to overcome being a grump

Begin with a simple act of gratitude. No matter what your religious or secular background you need to find a daily way to express your gratitude for what you have. Start a gratitude journal

Laurie Brown is an international speaker, trainer and consultant who works to help people improve their sales, service and presentation skills. She is the author of The Teleprompter Manual, for Executives, Politicians, Broadcasters and Speakers. Laurie can be contacted through, or 1-877.999.3433, or at lauriebrown@thedifference.netSonnnie Blog58623
Suellen Blog47637

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